A Conversation About Guiding Principles

By Angela Raley

Live Your Life the Way You Want to Be Remembered

Do you ever wish you could more consistently live like the person you want to be? Do you struggle with putting your values into practice in the way you respond to people and situations in your life? Do you find yourself more reactive than calm and thoughtful when you are triggered and wish you could back up and try again?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we would like to introduce you to a powerful tool for transformation that can become a way of life. As a thank you for participating in our campaign and helping us make wholeness possible, we are offering an online course on developing and defining guiding principles at no cost for two weeks. In this self-paced, 3-part course, Ken Shuman shares how establishing guiding principles can help us respond calmly and thoughtfully to the anxiety-producing conversations and situations we find ourselves in and begin to consistently show up as our best self. Sign up now through Friday, November 15th to get the course for free.

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