Overcoming Shame

By Marcos Leon

Video: Trisha Taylor speaking about authenticity as a tool for transformation

According to University of Houston researcher Brené Brown, shame is defined as “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.” Or, said another way by author Jane Middleton-Moz, “shame is the experience of judging who we are against the image that significant adults in our childhood gave us through their actions, words and gestures. When we feel shame, we see ourselves as having failed to live up to that fantasy image created of us.”

In Faithwalking we believe that if you want to see transformation in your life at a deep level, you will have to learn to grapple with shame. We offer tools for overcoming shame and a context for practicing them in Module 2 (Overcoming Shame) of Faithwalking Foundations. In the video above, you will learn about authenticity as a tool for overcoming shame. Sign up to receive a free article with more information about overcoming shame below.