How Do You Show Up? A Story from The Fellowship

By Angela Raley

Having completed the Faithwalking process themselves some years back, Hayward and Eva Sparks are now leaders in the Faithwalking Circle at The Fellowship Church in Katy, TX. Their ability to coach and mentor other people engaged in the process springs from the work they have done in their own lives and in their marriage. Eva states, Before Faithwalking, I was very much a people pleaser. I felt like I had to show up however people wanted me to be.” “I would say that I was performance driven, and seeking a high level of approval in the circles that I worked in,” Hayward reflects, “and that I would do whatever it took to put myself in a position where I was not looking weak.

Eva and Hayward’s story is one that so many of us can identify with – a story about living with a deep sense that we do not measure up and showing up with the at times destructive automatic behaviors that flow from that. But the story does not end there. Change is possible – wholeness is possible. Through this process Hayward and Eva have grown in their ability to focus on who God says they are, rather than judging themselves based on externals and what others think about them and being driven by the desire to perform and please. Asked what they would say to anyone considering doing Faithwalking, they exclaim in unison, “Do it!” Hayward explains, “It is something that has helped us on our journey to transformation, that supports us and others in their walk with Christ – to more fully reflect him.” Click below to hear more of their story.


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