
By Angela Raley

2018 is a year of exciting transition for Faithwalking. The team is working hard to navigate this transition, and we are really excited about the possibilities before us and about our future. Below is a summary of some of the changes on the horizon and ways you can help us accomplish our vision.

Beyond the transition of leadership we face as Faithwalking founder Jim Herrington has stepped down from active leadership in the organization, we are currently engaged in making large strides toward becoming a vision-centered organization rather than a leader-centered organization. We recognize this is a normal process in healthy organizations.

Expanding the reach and impact of Faithwalking is the second task at hand for us. We have reenvisioned our strategy of empowering Faithwalking Circles to use the Core Four to continue to expand the Faithwalking “movement” that is our legacy. This is really exciting, as we hope that this revamped strategy will align more clearly with our core value of being missional in the world and reaching those who are poor, marginalized, and in need.

On the other side, the very real challenge of creating wholeness and workability for Faithwalking in the financial arena has proven to be a creative force for us. On the one hand we have carefully considered an increase in our fees and implementing a scholarship structure. On the other, we couldn’t be more excited about the creation of a new Faithwalking curriculum, “Faithwalking Foundations,” and new offerings, such as “Becoming Differentiated with our Families,” that we hope to begin rolling out in September.

Stay tuned – there is more to come! For now (and as usual), we invite you to help us. We are currently seeking grants to help fund the following special projects:

  • a professional rewrite of our materials
  • a professional rebranding of Faithwalking
  • hiring a bilingual (Spanish) intern

If you are familiar with any grants you think we should consider applying for, or if would like to discuss how you might help us fund any of these projects at any level, we would love to hear from you! You can also click below to donate immediately. If you would like to designate your contribution to a particular project, you can do so in the “special instructions” box.


Contact: Angela Raley,