Why Faithwalking?

By Angela Raley

What is Faithwalking? Why is it needed, and what is it all about? Well, uh, it’s complicated….

In the video below, Ken Shuman addresses this complexity, explaining clearly and concisely what Faithwalking is all about and what its impact on people is as a powerful tool of personal and spiritual transformation. The bottom line is that we at Faithwalking desire to lead people in the way of Jesus. In an increasingly anxious, reactive, and polarized world, it is more and more difficult to live as our best selves, in ways consistent with our values and beliefs and the teachings of Jesus. Faithwalking helps people uncover issues beneath the surface that are preventing them from being on mission with God. It gives them a process and a set of tools that work to bring real change – bringing wholeness to every dimension of people’s lives and, by extension, the world we live in.



Audio version below